
It’s funny how the view of managers can be similar to those of parents and to the decisions of the children. In checking a reference on a recent recruit (only 3 years in the business on now looking for job number 3) I was speaking...

IT professionals aren’t typically the best salespeople. Unfortunately, many IT folks actually consider that a compliment rather than an insult. It’s really neither. That aside, there is something we need to learn from effective salespeople (admit it, you met one or two). What makes a good...

Recruiters are viewed as “arm twisters” and for that reason many people have a highly negative connotation of what we do. However, the recruiting process shouldn’t work that way at all. While it’s true that we are salespeople and that we have a vested interest...

Radio Interview Dan Martineau featured on RecruiterEco Radio: Who Is Dan Martineau? President of Martineau Recruiting Technology since it’s inception in 2000, Dan Martineau brings an extensive IT and Executive Recruiting background to his client companies and client candidates. Joining Dunhill Professional Search of Winston Salem in 1983 after...